Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Finale Finally: Seriously This is the Last One

After a GLORIOUS morning at the Today Show, Mom and I walked over to the NBC digital cafe for a much needed coffee! The wifi in there didn't work, by the way, so I am not really sure why it's called the digital cafe. Anywho, we went to the "just-a-regular" cafe to check on where we needed to meet later that afternoon with our JIMMY FALLON stand-by TICKETS!!! More on that later.
From there we went back to Battery Park (this time more efficiently because we have mastered the subway system). We hopped on a boat with like a million other people and headed to the Statue of Liberty. I know, I know, this was something I was supposed to avoid, but once you see her out there at sea, you must take a closer look. Not too close, though, going up in the crown is sucksville! On the boat there was standing room only and birds were pooping on helpless foreign tourists. I felt much like an Irish immigrant coming to America in 1843. I took a picture as this immigrant character I created, but then decided that it was disrespectful, mentioning it here on this blog is pretty disrespectful too, so let's just get on with the story.
At Liberty Island we walked around amazed by the beauty and grandeur (she is really really green!), took the obligatory pictures of Lady Liberty, then hightailed it back to the boat so we could get out of there. The next stop on the boat was Ellis Island. I'm sure it was moving and interesting, but we had a late night show to get too, and we hadn't had any street hotdogs or falafles for lunch yet!
We arrived back at NBC (looking back, we sure did end up hanging out at NBC a lot), and we checked in with the lovely NBC Page (those are good people), who told us that even though it didn't look like we would be able to see the actual show, we could go watch Jimmy Fallon rehearse his monologue!!! So we filed back into the official, one-stop-only, high security elevators and into Jimmy's studio. Where. We. Saw. The. Roots!!!! They were only standing around, but it still counts! Also we met some cool Late Night writers, one of whom caught my eye and thoughts of marrying my way into a NBC comedy writing job crept into my mind.
So the rehearsal turned out to be a trial run of several possible jokes for that night's show, and we acted as a litmus test of funny or fail, but of course they were all funny because it's Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy was so cute and charming and HILARIOUS! I love him! Several Sarah Palin gems were left out of the show, but trust me, they were good! It was really cool, and I think Mom became a fan of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. She's going to have to Tivo it though because she goes to bed at like 8:30.
From that brush with greatness, we decided to plan our last night in The City from the comfort of our excellent hotel. Also, I needed to fix my hair because, yikes!
We decided to have a low key night in Soho, but we walked through Soho without anything grabbing our attention, besides the hipsters, and we found ourselves in Noho (which I didn't know was a thing). I then realized that I wanted to be in Greenwich Village instead so we kept on walking until we found a charming little Italian restaurant with a Zagat Rated sign in the front window (so you know it's decent). We were the only patrons in the restaurant, but that didn't deter out spirit! The food was good, the wine was better, and the waiter was a little slow (in the mind). Mom then noticed an open mic night sign in the bar across the street, so we decided to check that out. After a beer and encouragement from the staff, Mom and I took to the stage for an acoustic rendition of Free Bird. Actually, that didn't happen at all, but it would have been much better than the crap we fell victim to. We tried to make the best of it and make up our own words, but we weren't able to because there was zero melody or rhythm! It was very special, in a very bad way. So, we made our way back to our hotel, even making a last minute jump to the express train to insure efficiency in our travel. We had a street pretzel and struggled to stay awake long enough to watch Jimmy's monologue to see which jokes made the show. It was a great last, night in New York, and I didn't hear any of the street noise that night, which goes to show that you really do get used to it!
So, that's all. We had a fantastic time, and I am glad we got to share it with you! I recommend not planning out anything next time you go to New York. It adds to the mystery and spontaneity that the city is desperately missing ;) I don't know what my favorite part was, so I'm just going to go with the city itself and the fact that I got to do all of this stuff with my awesome mom! If you see me after I get back to Dallas don't worry, my Not-in-New-York depression usually only lasts a couple of weeks, and then I will be good as new.
And in the immortal words of future Poet Laureate Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z: New York! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Finale Part 1: Harry Potter and the Today Show Suprise

After yet another pleasant night at Hotel Penn (we have finally become accustomed to the city that never sleeps and all the noise that goes along with that title) we woke early (not as early as we intended) and greeted the day Today Show style, which means super duper early and with a fake cheery disposition.
The fake cheer turned into real cheer when not ten minutes after we arrived the pom squad in front of us left, and we found ourselves mere feet from beloved morning show hosts Matt Lauer, Al Roker and Natalie Morales! We were expecting to be stuck behind an elderly women's choir from Wisconsin or a boy scout troop from Baltimore because we, once again, got off to a late start. But there we were with just a banner-draped aluminum rail separating us from the Today Show crew! Also within minutes of our arrival a camera man pointed at us and said, "I'm shooting this side after commercial", and thus our first appearance on the Today Show began! Mom kept yelling and woohooing while Matt was talking, so if you happened to have been watching and heard WOO HOO! during a very solemn story about murder or something, that was Mom.
Al Roker then came over and shook everyone's hand! He had on a very classy suit! I meant to congratulate him on running the New York Marathon, but I got a little star struck.
Then as magically as they had appeared, they were gone, as were most of the crowd. Little did hey know, though, the real fun was yet to begin...
We moved from the railing to the window to watch Hoda and Kathy Lee, and after making a lot of jokes about which crazy looking person in the 15 person-strong crowd deserved the daily makeover, the show started! We didn't even know who the guest was until we heard a shriek from a teenage girl with a 'Kiss Me, Rupert, It's My Birthday' sign. It was none other than Ronald Weasley from Harry Potter!!! Now, I wouldn't describe myself as a Harry Pot-head (a term I recently learned), but I love me some Harry Potter! We watched Rupert Grint's interview with nervous anticipation that, possibly, he would come out and greet us on the plaza. At the end of his interview he walked away, and it seemed all was lost until Kathy Lee stood and faced us and mouthed and gestured for us to move over closer to the door. Then more shrieks from the kids and a ginger-haired movie star appeared! He was such a good sport for putting up with us. He took pictures and gave out hugs to the youths, then turned to walk away at which point, me and the moms in the crowd yelled for him. He came over and took a picture with me, and I was really surprised how quickly I transformed from cool, calm and collected, to TOTAL GEEK NERD DORK girl (as evidenced by the picture). He was really buff by the way, and I found myself unable to stop touching his shoulder. It was bizarre and hilarious!
It was a really really fun and surprising morning (which seemed to be the theme of the trip), and Mom was excited too even though she didn't know who he was. At least she didn't honk at him like she did everyone else who got within two feet of us!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 4: Live From New York It's Saturday Night Live... 's Stage

Hey everybody! Another fun day in the city! We started off the day running late for our NBC studio tour, but we walked 17 blocks like mad women and got there right in time! There was a slight hang up at NBC security because Mom is afraid of the city, and she made me bring mace in my purse. Oopsie.
The tour started on the set of Dr. Oz. Then went on to the set of Jimmy Fallon. It couldn't believe how small it was!!! Those cameras must be magic! Then we went to the set of Saturday Night Live. Again, it is crazy how small it is!!! We learned a charming anecdote about Sinead O'Connor. At the end of the tour they asked for two volunteers for a "very special interactive demonstration". Mom pushed me forward after nobody volunteered. I had to do the weather in front of a green screen and everyone at the tour. I am not sure if everyone was laughing with me or at me. I think I'm wasting my true potential as a weather girl!
From the tour we went to Top of the Rock (the top of the Rockefeller building). The views were amazing and I think they were better than the top of the Empire State building.
Then we took our new favorite mode of transportation down to Ground Zero. There is a lot done on the new trade center. It was very strange seeing the huge hole in the skyline where the towers were.
We then went to Battery Park to get on a boat tour but we were about two hours too late. Doh! I guess that's a risk you take when you don't plan things out.
From Battery Park we went to FAO Swartz. I wanted to buy all the Lego stuff and the 800 dollar stuffed animals. Stupid rich kids get the coolest toys!
Next it was off to watch the surprising end to the Cowboys game. We had to cheer secretly to ourselves so we didn't get into a throw down with anyone.
It was a great day, but I suspect tomorrow will be even better!!! Mom has started to count the time between each car honk, so I find myself walking down the street with a crazy lady who is counting to seven over and over again...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 3: Ridin' the NQR

After another solid night on the 13th floor of Hotel Better than Expected, we took to the city for another adventure filled day of fun! I bet you didn't know that hotels have a 13th floor. Well, this one does. The Hotel Pennsylvania doesn't concern itself with petty superstition.
We were surprised to find some sort of festivus going on outside our hotel! I had a gyro for breakfast which was new for me. We then started to make our way to the theater where a fantastic surprise awaited. More on that later.
On the way to the theater I thought I saw Maury Povich. . It probably wasn't him but whatever. I'm going to pretend it was.
So then we went to see Promises Promises starring Sean Hayes and... wait for it.... Kristen Freaking Chenoweth!!! (who said she was done with the show at the end of September so this was a HUGE surprise! If you don't know who she is then it wouldn't have been that awesome of a surprise to you so just play along for the next few sentences).
The show was amazing and hilarious! Sean Hayes really has that physical comedy thing down then throw in Molly Shannon and you've got yourself a fine fine show! Sean Hayes kept cracking Chenoweth up and she broke character a few times. It was really cool!
From there we went back to the hotel to empty out my purse because it was full of expensive gifts for all my family and friends :) Then we planned a trip to Chinatown to eat at this really good place I ate at last time I was here. We have mastered this subway thing. We even figured out how to ride the express! We were very proud of ourselves. Mom was afraid of Chinatown and the subway at night but we were fine because luckily she has her wrist wallet. And there were people with kids everywhere so we stuck close to them.
I found the restaurant... 's previous address and soon realized that it was not New Yeah Shanghai Delux but it was still pretty good. The proprietor kept yelling at our waitress on Chinese, and this really rude guy kept complaining about everything then accusing his girlfriend of complaining. It was nothing like the glorious utopia of New Yeah Shanghi Delux circa 2008. I might have built up the memory of that place a little too much. Oh well.
After dinner we walked over to the much more awesome Little Italy. There we enjoyed wine and the best cannoli in the city (according to the waiters' shirts). It was the best cannoli I have ever had (it was also my first cannoli). We made it back to our hotel and even gave directions
to a confused tourist on the subway.
It was a great day!!! Mom has started honking at people, verbally, while walking and crossing the street. She's totally lost it. Can't wait for tomorrow. I wonder what we are doing?!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Episode 2: Dead Animals, van Gogh, and Afternoon "tea"

After a decent night at "the little hotel that could" we watched the Today Show and were instantly sorry we weren't there, maybe Monday.
After only one failed subway attempt which took us one stop in the wrong direction we were off to the nerd museum, aka the Museum of Natural History, aka big hot building with dead animals arranged in various positions. We saw the big blue whale which was cool. There were way too many elementary school children there and Mom started having anxiety about how the teachers were going to keep up with the kids, so we split and walked around in Central Park for a little while. The trees were beautiful. Mom jogged a few steps just so she could say she jogged in Central Park. It was a great moment for her. I leaned against a rail in lieu of jogging.
We then decided to go sit down for a little while, and we happened upon a cute little place that offered afternoon tea. We switched the tea for wine and the cucumber finger sandwiches for a club. Amsterdam and 81st street is where it's at! I loved it there. I wanted to try all of those little restaurants! Also there was a lady with about two dozen balloons trying to get into a cab, so that was super fun to watch from our patio table.
From tea we went to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). And it was Free Friday which was good because we had to go through twice because the first time we didn't realize the van Goghs, Picassos, and Monets, were the real thing!!! I dont know why we though there would be a museum full of fakes. It must have been the tea we drank.
We couldn't believe we were looking at the for real Starry Night and the Water Lilies! It was totally surreal and incredible! Definitely my favorite part if the day.
It was a great first full day in the city! Also Mom hates the car horns so much. She keeps yelling back at the cars every time, "yeah, that's really going to change something! Keep honking!!!". She's crazy!
Busy day tomorrow! I've been here for two days and I haven't even gone to H&M yet! AND there is one across the street from our hotel!!! Maybe I am the crazy one!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 1 (for real this time)

We made it to NYC. And it is super lame. It's cold and rainy and stinky and everyone is mean.
NOT really!!! It's awesome!!! It's sunny and cool and it smells like awesomeness, hotdogs and dreams! I love it here! All anxiety I had about not being able to get around here was gone as soon as we crossed our first street and I charged my way through like a pro.
The hotel is WAY better than either of us thought it would be. We both read the reviews and I think we hid the really bad reviews from each other until we were sure it was safe. Then we let lose: "I read there were bed bugs and it smells like dog and basement", "I read that no one should ever stay here and it looks like the Shining inside".
We walked to Times Square then to 30 Rock then to the Empire State Building. I looked for Tina Fey at 30 Rock but I didn't see her. I will find her. The Empire State building was cool. We made sure to be very careful when we crossed the street in front of it so we didn't get run over by a cab a la An Affair to Remember.
I don't know what we have going on tomorrow but I know it's going to be great! Mom is sleeping with her wrist wallet on because she is so afraid if getting mugged. I'm going to take my chances. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 1: Still in Texas

So I figured I would go ahead and blog our trip as it occurs instead of writing it down first then waiting 12 weeks to put it in a blog. But there is something fun and nostalgic about putting pen to paper... But I don't want to look too touristy by stopping to write stuff down in a little notebook. I'd much rather look like a jerk on an iPhone. I probably could have left this inner-monologue part out. Sorry. Not a strong start for the ole blog.

Anyway, we are leaving tomorrow!!! All our bags are packed (except for mine), we are ready to go (me, not so much)! We have attempted to plan out... well... nothing really. We have a hotel, so that's good. My plan is to pretend my mom is visiting me in the city for the first time after I moved there to chase my dreams of becoming a poor freelance writer for (insert an obscure magazine). OR, we can pretend that I am visiting my mom after she moved to the city to chase her dreams of becoming a Rockette...

Ok, here is my To Do List:

* See a pick up game or rap battle or break-dance fight
* Don't go inside the Statue of Liberty
* Take a picture with a hot guy and pretend he is my hot NY boyfriend
* High five Tina Fey
* Sit on some steps
* See a famous person
* Definately do not offer social work services to a homeless dude, and/or
panhandler, carpet bagger or hustler
* Pose as a New Yorker
* Develop an accent... a Cyndi Lauper accent
* Pretend to be the real Long Island Lolita Amy Fisher as played by Drew
Barrymore in the made for TV movie, "The Real Long Island Lolita: The Amy
Fisher Story" (1993)
* Get lost
* Yell, "Get lost!" at somebody
* Hear something I can submit to
* Buy something from a newsstand while in a hurry
* Pretend to be a Chinese tourist
* See someone from Georgia wearing a scrunchi
* Pretend to be studying Anglo Saxon Literature at NYU
* Pretend to work for 30 Rock or SNL or both!
* Eat the entire giant Cup of Noodles at Times Square
* Eat some good Thai food (speaking of noodles)
* What is on 56th and 5th?
* Eat a cupcake

Here is Mom's To Do List:

* See what they are growing at Madison Square Garden, "to see if it'll grow in
my alley"
Me: It's not a real garden, Mom: No duh! It's like a basketball gym, right?

See ya soon, New York!!!
(now I should probably start packing)