Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 3: Ridin' the NQR

After another solid night on the 13th floor of Hotel Better than Expected, we took to the city for another adventure filled day of fun! I bet you didn't know that hotels have a 13th floor. Well, this one does. The Hotel Pennsylvania doesn't concern itself with petty superstition.
We were surprised to find some sort of festivus going on outside our hotel! I had a gyro for breakfast which was new for me. We then started to make our way to the theater where a fantastic surprise awaited. More on that later.
On the way to the theater I thought I saw Maury Povich. . It probably wasn't him but whatever. I'm going to pretend it was.
So then we went to see Promises Promises starring Sean Hayes and... wait for it.... Kristen Freaking Chenoweth!!! (who said she was done with the show at the end of September so this was a HUGE surprise! If you don't know who she is then it wouldn't have been that awesome of a surprise to you so just play along for the next few sentences).
The show was amazing and hilarious! Sean Hayes really has that physical comedy thing down then throw in Molly Shannon and you've got yourself a fine fine show! Sean Hayes kept cracking Chenoweth up and she broke character a few times. It was really cool!
From there we went back to the hotel to empty out my purse because it was full of expensive gifts for all my family and friends :) Then we planned a trip to Chinatown to eat at this really good place I ate at last time I was here. We have mastered this subway thing. We even figured out how to ride the express! We were very proud of ourselves. Mom was afraid of Chinatown and the subway at night but we were fine because luckily she has her wrist wallet. And there were people with kids everywhere so we stuck close to them.
I found the restaurant... 's previous address and soon realized that it was not New Yeah Shanghai Delux but it was still pretty good. The proprietor kept yelling at our waitress on Chinese, and this really rude guy kept complaining about everything then accusing his girlfriend of complaining. It was nothing like the glorious utopia of New Yeah Shanghi Delux circa 2008. I might have built up the memory of that place a little too much. Oh well.
After dinner we walked over to the much more awesome Little Italy. There we enjoyed wine and the best cannoli in the city (according to the waiters' shirts). It was the best cannoli I have ever had (it was also my first cannoli). We made it back to our hotel and even gave directions
to a confused tourist on the subway.
It was a great day!!! Mom has started honking at people, verbally, while walking and crossing the street. She's totally lost it. Can't wait for tomorrow. I wonder what we are doing?!

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