Friday, November 12, 2010

Episode 2: Dead Animals, van Gogh, and Afternoon "tea"

After a decent night at "the little hotel that could" we watched the Today Show and were instantly sorry we weren't there, maybe Monday.
After only one failed subway attempt which took us one stop in the wrong direction we were off to the nerd museum, aka the Museum of Natural History, aka big hot building with dead animals arranged in various positions. We saw the big blue whale which was cool. There were way too many elementary school children there and Mom started having anxiety about how the teachers were going to keep up with the kids, so we split and walked around in Central Park for a little while. The trees were beautiful. Mom jogged a few steps just so she could say she jogged in Central Park. It was a great moment for her. I leaned against a rail in lieu of jogging.
We then decided to go sit down for a little while, and we happened upon a cute little place that offered afternoon tea. We switched the tea for wine and the cucumber finger sandwiches for a club. Amsterdam and 81st street is where it's at! I loved it there. I wanted to try all of those little restaurants! Also there was a lady with about two dozen balloons trying to get into a cab, so that was super fun to watch from our patio table.
From tea we went to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). And it was Free Friday which was good because we had to go through twice because the first time we didn't realize the van Goghs, Picassos, and Monets, were the real thing!!! I dont know why we though there would be a museum full of fakes. It must have been the tea we drank.
We couldn't believe we were looking at the for real Starry Night and the Water Lilies! It was totally surreal and incredible! Definitely my favorite part if the day.
It was a great first full day in the city! Also Mom hates the car horns so much. She keeps yelling back at the cars every time, "yeah, that's really going to change something! Keep honking!!!". She's crazy!
Busy day tomorrow! I've been here for two days and I haven't even gone to H&M yet! AND there is one across the street from our hotel!!! Maybe I am the crazy one!


  1. I died a little inside from that last paragraph. My disappointment in you cannot be measured at this moment in time. Get on the ball Lauren!! Go buy a nice scarf from H&M. Man I love that place.

  2. haha I am loving this! Keep it up! I can see your crazy mother screaming at the horns in the middle of the street! Tell her I will see her in 2 weeks! Braden too ... oh boy!
