Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 4: Live From New York It's Saturday Night Live... 's Stage

Hey everybody! Another fun day in the city! We started off the day running late for our NBC studio tour, but we walked 17 blocks like mad women and got there right in time! There was a slight hang up at NBC security because Mom is afraid of the city, and she made me bring mace in my purse. Oopsie.
The tour started on the set of Dr. Oz. Then went on to the set of Jimmy Fallon. It couldn't believe how small it was!!! Those cameras must be magic! Then we went to the set of Saturday Night Live. Again, it is crazy how small it is!!! We learned a charming anecdote about Sinead O'Connor. At the end of the tour they asked for two volunteers for a "very special interactive demonstration". Mom pushed me forward after nobody volunteered. I had to do the weather in front of a green screen and everyone at the tour. I am not sure if everyone was laughing with me or at me. I think I'm wasting my true potential as a weather girl!
From the tour we went to Top of the Rock (the top of the Rockefeller building). The views were amazing and I think they were better than the top of the Empire State building.
Then we took our new favorite mode of transportation down to Ground Zero. There is a lot done on the new trade center. It was very strange seeing the huge hole in the skyline where the towers were.
We then went to Battery Park to get on a boat tour but we were about two hours too late. Doh! I guess that's a risk you take when you don't plan things out.
From Battery Park we went to FAO Swartz. I wanted to buy all the Lego stuff and the 800 dollar stuffed animals. Stupid rich kids get the coolest toys!
Next it was off to watch the surprising end to the Cowboys game. We had to cheer secretly to ourselves so we didn't get into a throw down with anyone.
It was a great day, but I suspect tomorrow will be even better!!! Mom has started to count the time between each car honk, so I find myself walking down the street with a crazy lady who is counting to seven over and over again...

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