Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 1 (for real this time)

We made it to NYC. And it is super lame. It's cold and rainy and stinky and everyone is mean.
NOT really!!! It's awesome!!! It's sunny and cool and it smells like awesomeness, hotdogs and dreams! I love it here! All anxiety I had about not being able to get around here was gone as soon as we crossed our first street and I charged my way through like a pro.
The hotel is WAY better than either of us thought it would be. We both read the reviews and I think we hid the really bad reviews from each other until we were sure it was safe. Then we let lose: "I read there were bed bugs and it smells like dog and basement", "I read that no one should ever stay here and it looks like the Shining inside".
We walked to Times Square then to 30 Rock then to the Empire State Building. I looked for Tina Fey at 30 Rock but I didn't see her. I will find her. The Empire State building was cool. We made sure to be very careful when we crossed the street in front of it so we didn't get run over by a cab a la An Affair to Remember.
I don't know what we have going on tomorrow but I know it's going to be great! Mom is sleeping with her wrist wallet on because she is so afraid if getting mugged. I'm going to take my chances. Wish me luck.

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