Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 1: Still in Texas

So I figured I would go ahead and blog our trip as it occurs instead of writing it down first then waiting 12 weeks to put it in a blog. But there is something fun and nostalgic about putting pen to paper... But I don't want to look too touristy by stopping to write stuff down in a little notebook. I'd much rather look like a jerk on an iPhone. I probably could have left this inner-monologue part out. Sorry. Not a strong start for the ole blog.

Anyway, we are leaving tomorrow!!! All our bags are packed (except for mine), we are ready to go (me, not so much)! We have attempted to plan out... well... nothing really. We have a hotel, so that's good. My plan is to pretend my mom is visiting me in the city for the first time after I moved there to chase my dreams of becoming a poor freelance writer for (insert an obscure magazine). OR, we can pretend that I am visiting my mom after she moved to the city to chase her dreams of becoming a Rockette...

Ok, here is my To Do List:

* See a pick up game or rap battle or break-dance fight
* Don't go inside the Statue of Liberty
* Take a picture with a hot guy and pretend he is my hot NY boyfriend
* High five Tina Fey
* Sit on some steps
* See a famous person
* Definately do not offer social work services to a homeless dude, and/or
panhandler, carpet bagger or hustler
* Pose as a New Yorker
* Develop an accent... a Cyndi Lauper accent
* Pretend to be the real Long Island Lolita Amy Fisher as played by Drew
Barrymore in the made for TV movie, "The Real Long Island Lolita: The Amy
Fisher Story" (1993)
* Get lost
* Yell, "Get lost!" at somebody
* Hear something I can submit to
* Buy something from a newsstand while in a hurry
* Pretend to be a Chinese tourist
* See someone from Georgia wearing a scrunchi
* Pretend to be studying Anglo Saxon Literature at NYU
* Pretend to work for 30 Rock or SNL or both!
* Eat the entire giant Cup of Noodles at Times Square
* Eat some good Thai food (speaking of noodles)
* What is on 56th and 5th?
* Eat a cupcake

Here is Mom's To Do List:

* See what they are growing at Madison Square Garden, "to see if it'll grow in
my alley"
Me: It's not a real garden, Mom: No duh! It's like a basketball gym, right?

See ya soon, New York!!!
(now I should probably start packing)


  1. Ummm buy Kellie a Jimmy Fallon t-shirt better be added to that list young lady!!

  2. For you, I'm going to buy Jimmy Fallon!
